[Advaita-l] Madalasa Song

K Kathirasan brahmasatyam at gmail.com
Thu Jul 5 20:29:06 EDT 2018


Does anyone know the exact reference (verse/chapter no) of this beautiful excerpt? Thank you

Kathirasan K

> On 5 Jul 2018, at 5:03 PM, V Subrahmanian via Advaita-l <advaita-l at lists.advaita-vedanta.org> wrote:
> The song of Madalasa is stated to be in the Markandeya Purana:  It is full
> of teaching generating dispassion and instilling Advaitic relization:
> Strophe 1 Madalasa Upadesha
> शुद्धोसि बुद्धोसि निरँजनोऽसि
> सँसारमाया परिवर्जितोऽसि
> सँसारस्वप्नँ त्यज मोहनिद्राँ
> मँदालसोल्लपमुवाच पुत्रम्।
> śuddhosi buddhosi niraɱjano'si
> saɱsāramāyā parivarjito'si
> saɱsārasvapnaɱ tyaja mohanidrāɱ
> maɱdālasollapamuvāca putram|
> shuddhosi buddhosi niranjano'si
> samsaramaya parivarjito'si
> samsarasvapnam tyaja mohanidram
> mandalasollapamuvacha putram|
> Madalasa says to her crying son: "You are pure, Enlightened, and spotless.
> Leave the illusion of the world and wake up from this deep slumber of
> delusion."
> Strophe 2 Madalasa Upadesha
> शुद्धोऽसि रे तात न तेऽस्ति नाम
> कृतँ हि तत्कल्पनयाधुनैव।
> पच्चात्मकँ देहँ इदँ न तेऽस्ति
> नैवास्य त्वँ रोदिषि कस्य हेतो॥
> śuddho'si re tāta na te'sti nāma
> kṛtaɱ hi tatkalpanayādhunaiva|
> paccātmakaɱ dehaɱ idaɱ na te'sti
> naivāsya tvaɱ rodiṣi kasya heto||
> shuddho'si re tata na te'sti nama
> kritam hi tatkalpanayadhunaiva|
> pachchatmakam deham idam na te'sti
> naivasya tvam rodishi kasya heto||
> My Child, you are Ever Pure! You do not have a name. A name is only an
> imaginary superimposition on you. This body made of five elements is not
> you nor do you belong to it. This being so, what can be a reason for your
> crying ?
> Strophe 3 Madalasa Upadesha
> न वै भवान् रोदिति विक्ष्वजन्मा
> शब्दोयमायाध्य महीश सूनूम्।
> विकल्पयमानो विविधैर्गुणैस्ते
> गुणाश्च भौताः सकलेन्दियेषु॥
> na vai bhavān roditi vikṣvajanmā
> śabdoyamāyādhya mahīśa sūnūm|
> vikalpayamāno vividhairguṇaiste
> guṇāśca bhautāḥ sakalendiyeṣu||
> na vai bhavan roditi vikshvajanma
> shabdoyamayadhya mahisha sunum|
> vikalpayamano vividhairgunaiste
> gunascha bhautah sakalendiyeshu||
> The essence of the universe does not cry in reality. All is a maya of
> words, oh Prince! Please understand this. The various qualities you seem to
> have are are just your imaginations, they belong to the elements that make
> the senses (and have nothing to do with you).
> Strophe 4 Madalasa Upadesha
> भूतनि भूतैः परिदुर्बलानि
> वृद्धिँ समायाति यथेह पुँसः।
> अन्नाम्बुपानादिभिरेव तस्मात्
> न तेस्ति वृद्धिर् न च तेस्ति हानिः॥
> bhūtani bhūtaiḥ paridurbalāni
> vṛddhiɱ samāyāti yatheha puɱsaḥ|
> annāmbupānādibhireva tasmāt
> na testi vṛddhir na ca testi hāniḥ||
> bhutani bhutaih paridurbalani
> vriddhim samayati yatheha pumsah|
> annambupanadibhireva tasmat
> na testi vriddhir na cha testi hanih||
> The Elements [that make this body] grow with accumulation of more elements
> or reduce in size if some elements are taken away. This is what is seen in
> a body's growing in size or becoming lean depending upon the consumption of
> food, water etc. You do not have growth or decay.
> Strophe 5 Madalasa Upadesha
> त्वम् कँचुके शीर्यमाणे निजोस्मिन्
> तस्मिन् देहे मूढताँ मा व्रजेथाः।
> शुभाशुभौः कर्मभिर्देहमेतत्
> मृदादिभिः कँचुकस्ते पिनद्धः॥
> tvam kaɱcuke śīryamāṇe nijosmin
> tasmin dehe mūḍhatāɱ mā vrajethāḥ|
> śubhāśubhauḥ karmabhirdehametat
> mṛdādibhiḥ kaɱcukaste pinaddhaḥ||
> tvam kamchuke shiryamane nijosmin
> tasmin dehe mudhatam ma vrajethah|
> shubhashubhauh karmabhirdehametat
> mridadibhih kamchukaste pinaddhah||
> You are in the body which is like a jacket that gets worn out day by day.
> Do not have the wrong notion that you are the body. This body is like a
> jacket that you are tied to, for the frutification of the good and bad
> karmas.
> Strophe 6 Madalasa Upadesha
> तातेति किँचित् तनयेति किँचित्
> अँबेति किँचिद्धयितेति किँचित्।
> ममेति किँचित् न ममेति किँचित्
> त्वम् भूतसँघँ बहु म नयेथाः॥
> tāteti kiɱcit tanayeti kiɱcit
> aɱbeti kiɱciddhayiteti kiɱcit|
> mameti kiɱcit na mameti kiɱcit
> tvam bhūtasaɱghaɱ bahu ma nayethāḥ||
> tateti kimchit tanayeti kimchit
> ambeti kimchiddhayiteti kimchit|
> mameti kimchit na mameti kimchit
> tvam bhutasamgham bahu ma nayethah||
> Some may refer to you are Father and some others may refer to you a Son or
> some may refer to you as mother and some one else may refer to you as wife.
> some say "you are mine" and some others say "you are not mine" These are
> all references to this "Combination of Physical Elements", Do not identify
> with them.
> Strophe 7 Madalasa Upadesha
> सुखानि दुःखोपशमाय भोगान्
> सुखाय जानाति विमूढचेताः।
> तान्येव दुःखानि पुनः सुखानि
> जानाति विद्धनविमूढचेताः॥
> sukhāni duḥkhopaśamāya bhogān
> sukhāya jānāti vimūḍhacetāḥ|
> tānyeva duḥkhāni punaḥ sukhāni
> jānāti viddhanavimūḍhacetāḥ||
> sukhani duhkhopashamaya bhogan
> sukhaya janati vimudhachetah|
> tanyeva duhkhani punah sukhani
> janati viddhanavimudhachetah||
> The deluded look at objects of enjoyments as giving happiness by removing
> the unhappiness. The wise clearly see that the same object which gives
> happiness now will become a source of unhappiness.
> Strophe 8 Madalasa Upadesha
> यानँ चित्तौ तत्र गतश्च देहो
> देहोपि चान्यः पुरुषो निविष्ठः।
> ममत्वमुरोया न यथ तथास्मिन्
> देहेति मात्रँ बत मूढरौष।
> yānaɱ cittau tatra gataśca deho
> dehopi cānyaḥ puruṣo niviṣṭhaḥ|
> mamatvamuroyā na yatha tathāsmin
> deheti mātraɱ bata mūḍharauṣa|
> yanam chittau tatra gatascha deho
> dehopi chanyah purusho nivishthah|
> mamatvamuroya na yatha tathasmin
> deheti matram bata mudharausha|
> The vehicle that moves on the ground is different from the person in it
> similarly this body is also different from the person who is inside! The
> owner of the body is different from the body! Ah how foolish it is to think
> I am the body!
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