[Advaita-l] Sri Amalananda, Hari-Hara abheda, Kalpataru

V Subrahmanian v.subrahmanian at gmail.com
Mon Jul 3 06:08:13 EDT 2023

Shri Natraj Maneshinde's post:

स्वज्योति:सुखसदभेदमात्मभूतं यन्मायाविरचितविश्वदृश्यनीडम् ।
तद् ब्रह्म प्रणतभवान्धकारभानुं
वन्देऽहं हरिहरविग्रहं दधानम् ॥
~ पूज्यपाद श्री अमलानन्द सरस्वती जी, कल्पतरु
[ Obeisance to the Non-dual Brahman, which is verily the self of all, that
has projected the world-appearance out of Maya, which is the Sun that
dispels the darkness of samsara of those who worship It and which bears the
form of Hari-Hara]
भूतिभूषितदेहाय द्विजराजेन राजते |
एकात्मने नमो नित्यं हरये च हराय च ||
~ पूज्यपाद श्री मधुसूदन सरस्वती जी, शिव-महिम्न स्तोत्र टीका
[ Obeisance ever to Him, who is resplendent with His body adorned with
vibhūti, ashes, and is of the complexion of camphor (or having the moon on
His head), the One Atman that is both Hara and Hari.]

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