[Advaita-l] Law of Karma -Invincible

KAMESWARARAO MULA kamesh_ccmb at yahoo.co.in
Fri May 31 22:26:55 EDT 2019

Dear members,                         The Example from Mahabharata is here:It was from the time when Yudhister & his brothers requesting Duryodhana to give  5 villages at least if not the half-of the Kaurava kingdom. This happened before the war when duryodhana denied he will not give the land where a pin can be placed.  On one fine occasion, to test these brother's preparedness for the war, Lord Yamadharmaraj came to Yudhister in disguise brahmin form. The story goes like this: The old brahmin came to yudhister on one fine day evening  and ring the bell of yudhister and it is about to sunset. All the people thought since the day is about to end, we can ask the person to come tomarrow for his issue, but one of the pandava brothers told everyone there, No you have to call him now & we shouldn't post pone this work. Accordingly, the old brahmin was invited to the court of Yudhister and was asked by the Raja: " Viprottama what can I do for you? May i know the reason for your emergency bell ring during the sunset"The old brahmin replied to the king that, Maharaja: I need some help from you as i was doing a peanace for lokaklayanam and request you that it should go smoothly. I want only this much help that my havan should go without facing any difficulties so that I can perform my duty. Then the Raja said! Viprottama, it can easily be done, there no issue, you should have been come in the morning and I should have been helped you on the day itself. Then the brahmin told the raja, Sir, I have plenty of work since morning, so I could able to get little time now only. Then the Raja replied that 'Viprottama, Vruddha Brahmana!, Since it is about to sunset in few minutes, so better thing could be for your is, please come tomorrow and I will do all the needful what ever you require for your YaJna and the argument is going for few minutes.
All the pandava brothers along with the court members are witnessing the conversation and everyone came to opinion that what ever the raja said was looking fine and came to conclusion that, the old brahmin will get help tomorrow. All the peoples mind was fully occupied for the future war plans and none could able to find who came, what he is talking and what the raja was arguing for a small help for minutes except Bhima.
Bhima has a extraordinary quality that his mind is focussed only on Dussassana & Duryodhana who ashamed their wife draupadi/Panchali in the court and he wants to kill them only and he can't think any thing happening in the rest of the world.The focused mind always gives some direction and awakes the urja shakti. He could able to guess with  his foresight about the disguise brahmin's  words by carefully listening the entire conversation although it looks so simple. Bhima requested the old brahmin Sir, please sit for few seconds, I will do the needfull. He immediately shouted his elder brother Yudhister! Bade Bhayya, What are you doing? are you aware that with whoom you are speaking! You are the Master of Justice and Can'T you think in the direction, If the old brahmin doesn't come tomorrow what will happen to you & your brothers. If he disappears, We all have to bear his karma! That could be a blender, so help him today itself, now only. Yudhister was shocked to hear those words from Bhima and awakens from his turmoil mind happening in his brain about the war. The old brahmin was offered with arghya, padya with in minutes. He was also possessed the required Ghee, havan samagri, all the wood stuff, few food items for sadhu bhojana for his smooth completion of peanace.
Finally, the old brahmin was happy to get the timely help and about to leave the court. Meanwhile yudhistera requested the old brahmmana, Sir! can we know/see your original form if you don'T mind.
Then the old brahmana reapplied himself to the Dharma Raja that my Son! I am your father, Lord Yama and told him that you are fortunate to have brothers like this and I just came here to see your preparedness for the war which is going to happen in the coming time.My sincere advised is you that be attentive, don't fall in any traps which will enforce you to forget your Targets.
Every one present there were prostate to Lord Yama Dharma Raja and taken his blessings. My conclusion from the story is that By postponing the current duties of the present work will make to accumulate the 'Karma' and it could also be the reason for the Re-birth issues. So one should be careful in the present day's work with duty focussed mind, otherwise Karma will trace back you to take another Birth. One should be prepared well to face-off the karma for that present day and who never knew that tomorrow exists? or not. We should always do the Duty for that day and that what the Dharma insists.
Sri Guru Padaravindarpana MastuKameswara    On Friday, 31 May 2019 2:11:09 pm IST, KAMESWARARAO MULA via Advaita-l <advaita-l at lists.advaita-vedanta.org> wrote:  
 Dear Members,                            There are two examples forthis one from Ramayana & the other from Mahabharata:             This was the story of a Dharma Karta of temple from a tretayugaperiod. Once it happened that there was a fight between a sant (dharmicperson/wandering monk) and a back dog. The sant was in search of food sincemorning and he could not get any thing till evening and it was about to sunset,he could able to get some food to eat. So he thought, he will do arghaya pradan(water oblations to sun god during sunset) & wash his hands before he takesthe food. He was in search of some one whom he can kept that food which he gotwith great difficulty. Luckily, he could able to find one black dog (who was indisguise form), the sant requested the black dog to take care of the food, sothat he will come in minutes by doing sayamkala sandhya and he promised that hewill give little food also to that care taker dog. The sant went away to thepond to do his duty by leaving the entire food to that dog. Afterreturning from the pond, the sant was very furious, got agitated by knowingthat entire food was eaten by the black dog. So he warned the dog we willresolve the issue in the court of king Rama and there is no tomarrow for you asyou are the sinner which he can get the capital punishment if the matter provedto be right with evidence. It is due to that fact that the dog’s main job isthe loyality to his master/yagamana i.e who gives that job to you. Onthe next day in the court of Rama, hearing started, ever one is present and allcame to conclusion that this is very simple case and judgment is also simple togive the capital punishment to the dog as it agreed its mistake that he is notloyal to that sant and ready to take punishment. Before to pass the resolutionfor that day, Rama had a conversation with guru vasisth to take an advise asthe matter was so complicated although it looks simple. Vasistha told rama,there is no need of second thought here or take any other opinion, you justgive the capital punishment to that dog otherwise you have to convince me thatwhy you have not done that. It was verytough time to Rama to take a decision & explain to his guru. Hecalled that sant separately  and told totake as many benefits as he can take from him and leave the matter here itselfwhat ever happened is happened. Since you survived without food for a day andyour anguish can be taken care by taking some other means and told him that hewill not give the capital punishment to that dog.  ButRama has to convince vasishta about his decision  and he went into deeper thoughts ( i.e hemight have gone to that time to know for whatpurpose the dog has taken its birth). Rama explained vasisth that this dogwas the ‘Dharma Karta’ in his previous Life, who takes care of the templeactivities. Rama could able to trace the previous birth of the dog and thereason to take the birth with his foresight. What happened was, In one of thetemple-Utsava murthi processions on a festival day  there will be oil lamps lightening the godduring the procession till the lord completes its circumambulation. It washappened by mistake that the dharmakarta of that temple used that oil-lamplight to go to his house after the lord reached the temple. So he accumulated hiskarma there i.e the light helped to go to his home was not his, it is from the temple’smoney (Peoples Karma).The sage Vasistha appreciated rama forhis foresight and praised Rama for his dharma rule.  My conclusion from the whole story is that, ifRama wants to punish the dog, no one can questions him as he is king & evidenceis there and the dog himself agreed its mistake.That is why even today Rama remain in the hearts of people as he was embodimentof Dharma. (Ramo vigrahavandharmah sadhu satyaprakramah) Sri Guru Padaravindarpana MastuKameswara

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