[Advaita-l] Kundalini Yoga

KAMESWARARAO MULA kamesh_ccmb at yahoo.co.in
Tue Apr 10 02:13:31 EDT 2018

Dear Friends,                        Kunda-lini means coil orsnake. Kundalini is a goddess and her power remains latent in Kanda, urogenitaltriangle in man between the anus and the genitals. Kanda means a bulbous ortuberous root. Kanda is the junctional point or knot (Granthi Sthana),where Susumna channel takes its origin and the gated portal of entry in Susumnafor Kundalini is known as  Brahma Dvara -Brahma's gate or aperture, whichis said to be closed by the mouth of Kundalini.  In the female, Kundalinstays at the cervix, the neck of or entry point to uterus from the vagina. Everyone knows there is no actual snake inthe Muladhara Chakra. It is afeeling or an experience. Kundalini springs from there, ascends throughSusumna Nadi and shows its head in the Sahasrara Chakra. Sadakhas experienceSusumna Nadi as a bright rod, a narrow channel, along the spinal column or aten-inch long golden yellow snake with red/balck eyes like smoldering charcoalwith its waging fiery tongue and shining like a flash of lightning going up thespinal column. Kunda means anything that has a cavity: a pot, a pit in thebrain around which the cerebral cortex is spread out like the coils of a snake.The compressed energy that is contained in Kunda stays dormant and goes by manynames upon its manifestation: Devi, Durga, Kundalini, Tripurasundari, Lakshmi,Kali, Sarasvati.    According to Sir John Woodroffe:        72,000Nadis or channels  spring from Kanda,which is the point of confluence and branching  where Maya holds its way. These Psychic Nadis convey Prana Sakti and manas Sakti.  Kundalini liescoiled three and half times like a serpent at the base of the vertebral column,ready to spring. The three coils stand for A U M; three gunas, sattva, Rajas,and Tamas;  and three states of consciousness, waking, dream sleep anddeep sleep. The half coil stands fortranscendence above all the triads. This energy goes through nodal pointsalong the spine called Chakra or wheel, which is represented by lotus petals (onehas to assume), which always point towards the goddess Kundalini where she isactive. Where Kundalini sakti is active (dynamic aspect of Sakti), that chakrais hot and becomes cold when the energy leaves that chakra or plane. Once theascent is complete, the whole body except the crown is as cold and rigid as acorpse. The nectar released by the unionof Sakti and Siva pervades and sustains the whole body. The energy (sakti)goes through channels from Muladhara chakra at the base of the spine (AdharaChakra) to the Sahasrara plane at the crown by Nadis, which are subtle and notphysical. Below Muladhara Chakra, there are Chakras of lower order, responsiblefor animal and human instinct and intellect. Nada is flow and Nadi is channel. Kundalini’s purpose is for the Yogi to attain Samadhi. All thesenses including the sexual impulse are suppressed and sublimated into prana orenergy that ascends the Susumna Nadi from MuladharaChakra to Sahasrara chakra where goddess Kundalini and the Yogi  achieveMithuna (union) with Siva. The Yogi's soul departs the body and escapesthrough Brahma Randhra to merge with Brahman whereabsorption of Yogi's consciousness into the Pure Consciousness of the Lordtakes place. It is called Turiya and Turiyatita state.

Sri Guru Padaravindarpana MastuKameswara


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