[Advaita-l] Raama and advaita - a mocker

H S Chandramouli hschandramouli at gmail.com
Fri Apr 14 07:44:51 EDT 2017

> Links to previous discussions on the topic of sarvajnatva and icchA-adhInatva of mAyA to
> Ishvara were provided by Sri Anand Ji. Some issues raised in those links do not appear to have been dealt with fully in those discussions.
> One of these is the following. Sri Shrinivas Gadkari observed
> << *About prarabdha of avatara, Poojaneeya Sadhu Gopala Swamikal of Poojapura*
> >*Thiruvananthapuram,Kerala,who was  Brahamavdwarya as Swami was well
> received*
> >*by*
> >*saints like Sri Ramana  Maharshi, and Sri Vidyadhiraja Chattmbi
> Swamikal*
> >*with Karpooraarathi when they met each other,in one of the lectures*
> >*(published as ARUL MOZHIKAL in Malayalam) says that *prarabdha of an
> avthara*
> >*is derived from samashty** >> *
> *to which Sri *Srikrishna Ghadiyaram responded
> *<< *This a Christian doctrine, that Christ/Jesus suffered for the sins of others. A
> bad idea>>,
> Vichara Sagara (of Sadhu Nishchala Das in hindi, commentary on the same
> also in hindi by Sadhu Pitambar Das and Sanskrit version of the same by
> Swami Vasudeva Brahmananda Saraswati)  explains this as follows.
> Jagat is Created and sustained by the samkalpa of Iswara in order to allow
> for the jivas to experience sukha and dukha in accordance with their karma
> phala. As part of this samkalpa,due to the power of good actions  like
> upAsana etc carried out by sAdhakas and bad actions carriedout by some
> others,  Iswara takes on the forms of avataras like Rama, Krishna etc.
> These forms are not the result of samashty  karma phala of jivas per se.
> These forms become the cause of sukha for the good jivas while at the same
> time they are the cause of dukha for the bad jivas. Because of this reason,
> the forms of avatara purushas come to be regarded as due to samashti karma
> phala of jivas.
> This is how the statement << *prarabdha of an avthara*
> >*is derived from samashty**>> should be understood and not in the way << *This a Christian doctrine, that Christ/Jesus suffered for the sins of others. A
> bad idea>>.
> This is my understanding.
> Regards


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