[Advaita-l] Shankara and DrishTi-SrishTi vAda - eka jeeva vaada

H S Chandramouli hschandramouli at gmail.com
Wed May 18 09:08:22 CDT 2016

The difference between the following two quotes could be seen.

<<  However, the prominent among
them is the one put forth by PrakAshAnanda in his
vedAntasiddhAntamuktAvalI. According to this view, the
nityashuddhamuktasvabhAva Brahman, in association with ajnAna, attains the
state of jIva (ajnAnamAshritya jIvabhAvaM labdhvA), and creates (imagines)
the bodies of Gods, animals, humans, etc. and also creates the entire
universe with the fourteen worlds (brahmANDAdicaturdahsabhuvanaM sRShTvA).
Among those bodies, one is a God, one a human, one Hiranyagarbha the
Creator of all (teShu teShu deheShu kashcit devaH kashcit manuShyaH kashcit
hiraNyagarbhaH sarveShAM sraShTA). One is Vishnu the Protector and one is
Rudra the Destroyer of all during Pralaya (kashcit VishNuH pAlakaH kashcit
anyaH sarvasaMhArakartA rudraH pralaye)  >>

 << Again, in his summary called the
brihadAraNyakabhAShyavArtikasAra, VidyAraNya says darshana is itself sRShTi:
yena yad dRshyate tattu tena sRShTaM svakarmaNA|
dRshyasya bhrAntirUpatvAt darshanaM sRShTirucyate|| >>

In the first one jiva creates the entire fourteen worlds etc.  In the
second one it is not so. Creation is limited to what the jiva sees (
experiences ). The two are very different.



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