[Advaita-l] Vikalpa, Savikalpa, and Nirvikalpa

Venkatesh Murthy vmurthy36 at gmail.com
Thu Sep 6 00:00:12 CDT 2012


On Thu, Sep 6, 2012 at 12:44 AM, Vidyasankar Sundaresan
<svidyasankar at hotmail.com> wrote:
> Again, we come to the crux of the issue. What is this anubhava that is brahma jnAna?
> In what avasthA does the anubhava take place? And why does bhagavatpAda call such
> anubhava the avasAna of jnAna? Clearly, it is not just the experience of jAgrat, svapna
> and sushupti (or rather, the memory of sushupti) nor merely an aggregate of anubhava-s
> in these states. Surely, given that there is a prior state of ajnAna for one who finds it
> necessary to embark upon a quest for jnAna, the anubhava has to have happened at
> some point of time in his or her life, right? What state would one call that? Why not
> make use of the ready made word attested in the brahmasUtra, namely samAdhi?
> You can drop the adjective nirvikalpa, if that makes you too uncomfortable!
Why there is the necessity for Samadhi experience? Janaka was a Jnani
and King. He did not have time to do meditation and go into Samadhi.
But he got Jnana doing his daily activities only. It is not correct
saying Jnana will come only in Samadhi. When he is continuously
thinking of Upanishad Statements he will get Jnana. Jnana may come
very quickly in some seconds for some, in minutes for some, hours for
some days for some, months for some and many years for some and for
some it may not come in this life.

For some it may come in meditation like Samadhi also. But Samadhi and
Yoga is not the only way.

Krishna has said in Gita Sankhyayogau Pruthagbala Pravadanti Na Panditaha |
Samyagubhayorvindate Phalam ||
                                        Yatsankhyaihi Prapyate Sthanam
Tadyogairapi Gamyate |
                                        Ekam Sankhyam Cha Yogam Cha
Yaha Pashyati Sa Pashyati ||



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