Gita Jayanti

Jaldhar H. Vyas jaldhar at BRAINCELLS.COM
Wed Dec 26 11:13:10 CST 2001

Today, Margashirsha Shukla 11, is Gita Jayanti.  It is on this day long
ago, shortly before the commencement of one of the biggest and most
important battles of Indian history, Krishna Bhagawan revealed the path to
Mukti to Arjuna.

Now in the shastras we read many descriptions of Krishna Bhagawan as the
paramatma.  He is an apt person to deliver the message of the Gita.  But
Arjuna does not seem to be the ideal recipient don't you think?  In an age
that was graced by wise sages such as Vyasa, or Vidura surely they should
have been deemed blessed enough to hear it.  Even amongst the Kurus,
Bhishma or Yudhishthira seem like better candidates.  Yet it was Arjuna
who was to hear it.

During the course of the samvada, Arjuna is dejected, confused and even
frightened.  Throughout one thing is constant though, he has unwavering
trust in his guru, sarathi, and childhood friend.  Because of this
trust he makes the effort to understand and out into practice the
advice he has been given.  These qualities are what gave him the good
fortune to hear the Gita.

Today we find a lot of people interested in Vedanta but feeling daunted by
the seeming enormity of the task ahead.  They become pessimistic and lose
hope.  We should learn from Arjuna that for one who has full faith
in the teachings of the shastras and who is steadfast in their practice,
everything is possible no matter what circumstances one may find oneself

Jaldhar H. Vyas <jaldhar at>
It's a girl! See the pictures -
>From ADVAITA-L at LISTS.ADVAITA-VEDANTA.ORG Mon Dec 31 09:19:09 2001
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Namaste, i would like to know more about to Adi
Sankaracarya teaching and life . thank you for this
oportunity. Your servant Ekesuara das.

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