[Fwd: [ambaa-l] saundaryalaharI - 9 (part 6)]

Ravi Mayavaram msr at COMCO.COM
Wed Jul 19 12:40:23 CDT 2000

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [ambaa-l] saundaryalaharI - 9 (part 6)
Date: Wed, 19 Jul 2000 13:55:06 -0230 (NDT)
From: Gummuluru Murthy <gmurthy at MORGAN.UCS.MUN.CA>
Reply-To: ambaa-l at egroups.com
To: shriimaataa <ambaa-l at egroups.com>

The jIva with kunDalinI in the astral body and the shiva-shakti in
the shrIcakra are identical and have exact counterparts. They are
given below. [I am guilty of jumping slightly ahead in terms of
shrIcakra. Full description of the shrIcakra will be presented as
part of verse 11].

jIva-kunDalinI                          shiva-shakti in shrIcakra

jIva without name and form and          bindu representing shiva
    bereft of mAyA
mUlAdhAra                               trikoNa
maNipUra                                antardashAra
svAdhiShThAna                           aShTakoNa
anAhata                                 bahirdashAra
vishuddha                               caturdashAra
AjnA                                    catuShkoNa bhUgR^iha
sahasrAra                               inner shrIcakra - the bindu

To summarize this pivotal verse in the stotra of saundaryalaharI,
the awakened kunDalinI touches each of these cakra-s, rises up and
unites with shiva in the sahasrAra. As the kunDalinI touches up each
of these lotuses, they blossom, revealing before the jIva a totally
new and more subtle reality. SAdhakA's view of the world changes as
the kunDalinI rises up. We will take up the visions in the latter
verses, particularly verses 36 to 41.

{1} quoted in "shankarabhagavatpAda viracita saundaryalaharI"  in
       Telugu  by shrI Dr. T.V.A.S. Sarma
{2} quoted in "shankarabhagavatpAda viracita saundaryalaharI"  in
       Telugu  by shrI Dr. T.V.A.S. Sarma

The following books were consulted (in addition to the references
given earlier) in preparing the commentary of verse 9

shankarabhagavatpAda viracita saundaryalaharI; in Telugu by shrI
   Dr. T.V.A.S. Sarma, VijayadurgApIThaM, Vedurupaka, E.G. Dt.,
   A.P., India

the serpent power; by Arthur Avalon (Sir John Woodroffe), 1974,
   Dover Publications, New York

Meditation and Mantras; by swami vishnu-devananda, 1995,
   OM Lotus Publishing Company, New York

shri saundaryalaharI; by shrI Ishvara Satyanarayana Sarma,
   Sadhana Granthamandali, Tenali, A.P.

Gummuluru Murthy

Failed tests, classes skipped, forgotten locker combinations.
Remember the good 'ol days

AUM shrImAtre namaH
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