Grandfathers and sannyaasa

Rushikesh K. Joshi rushi at BRONTO.IITM.ERNET.IN
Wed Nov 20 22:53:50 CST 1996

>      I agree with you that the grandfather was attached.
>       But (for the sake of discussion)  maybe  the grandfather was showing
> this attachment  by saying "no, no" and then by returning to his house than
> he was with  his sentence "I am never going to leave you."
>      While Maharshi lay on his deathbed and the people in the courtyard were
> crying for him to not leave them, I think he said something like  "I'm not
> going anywhere.  Where could I go?"
>                                           With Blessings,
>                                                 Chuck Hillig

Namaste Chuck !

If the grandfather was attached, then his 'I am never going to leave'
and the Maharshi's "I am not going anywhere" cannot be compared.
When Mahasrhi says this, he knows by what 'I' means. His 'I' is
the fullest I. An attached person's 'I' is not that way.

Now we may say, O Maharshi, finally you left us even after saying that you
were not going anywhere. But in the core of our heart we know
that Maharshi's 'I' is different from what we understand as our 'I'.
And thus Ramana's simple spontaneous reply to cries, 'I am not going anywhere'
comes to us now as a statement packed with full Knowledge.

"I am not going anywhere. Where could I go" !!
What a wonderful reply !!

It seems tears rolled down from his eyes during the last moments.
Any answer for why tears in Maharshi's eyes ?
And don't you forget to remember what Maharshi is !

Om Shanti: !

- Joshi

>From  Thu Nov 21 05:07:03 1996
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From: Ken Stuart <kstuart at MAIL.TELIS.ORG>
Subject: Re: CELIBACY
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On Wed, 20 Nov 1996 20:29:00 -0500, Chelluri Nageswar Rao
<Chelluri at> wrote:

>                                             MATRENAMAH
>I feel celibacy is essential to practice what is learned.   We can learn what
>and how to practice from the biographies of present and past saints.   Any

I sent my previous message and forgot to include a paraphrase from
Swami Muktananda, who was once asked whether one should avoid eating
garlic and onions because they were sexually stimulating, and he
replied that the sexual stimulation of modern society was far greater
than that due to garlic and onions, thus there was no practical reason
to avoid them......



kstuart at

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