Who am I ?

MSR r0m6887 at TAM2000.TAMU.EDU
Thu Jul 11 15:43:43 CDT 1996

On Thu, 11 Jul 1996, Giri wrote:

> On Thu, 11 Jul 1996, M Suresh wrote:
> >   I think salvation can be got from the human birth alone. What about from
>  other
> >   worlds? I think it can be got after taking birth in this world only.
>         Salvation (mukti) is not restricted to the human birth alone, as
> far as I understand. I once asked Ramakrishna how it was possible for
> Lakshmi, the cow at Ramana-ashram to attain salvation and Ramakrishna
> provided some more examples from the purana-s where animals have attained
> salvation.
> dhanyavaad

        For a moment I got confused that how you asked shrii
Ramakrishna ( paramahamsa) ;-) , I tend browse through mail little

        Shastras cannot restrict who attains salvation and who does
not, it is then imposing some condition on HER grace!

        The discussion about desire to attain salvation  is it a
desire or not was interesting. I think it is not a desire. It is like
treating someone using homeopathy medicine. In homeopathy, they
articifial induce a fever using their medicine ( when you have
fever). This artificial one goes around creating antibodies to destroy
the original fever. Even the induced reaction disappears soon. Desire
for salvation is like that.

        vaLLuvar puts in beautifully

paRRuga paRRaRaan paRRinai appaRRai
paRRuga paRRa vidaRku

Bond yourself to the bondless ( god) in order to get rid of all other
bonds. ( my crude translation). ( paRRu means bond)

Kaanchi Periyavar ( in dheivaththin kural) gives an example why this
bond is not really binding.

In villages women used to carry small logs of wood tied with strings
on there head. When they reach the destination often the wooden logs
would have moved and the string will be so tight on the bundle. If the
knot is impossible to remove, what they do is take another rope, and
string it around the bundle very tightly, this packs the logs together
and the knotted strings will be loose now and can be easily pulled out
from the sides. The rope which is used to tighten the bundle can then
be thrown away.

        Bondage with God, who is actually bondless ( that means your
bondage with him is artificial) serves to remove all other bonds. When
you are done, becoming bondless, you will not be there to notice
it ;-)

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