[Advaita-l] Fwd: Why can't it be done by some learned scholars?

V Subrahmanian v.subrahmanian at gmail.com
Tue Mar 31 00:31:18 CDT 2015

On Tue, Mar 31, 2015 at 10:22 AM, Srivathsa Rao <vathsa108 at gmail.com> wrote:

> 1)There was a time ,when vedanta means advaita -vedanta only....no other
> vedanta was there

This is true.  Shankara has said in the Br.up.bhāṣyam 2.1.20:

सर्वोपनिषत्सु हि विज्ञानात्मनः परमात्मना एकत्वप्रत्ययो विधीयत
इत्यविप्रतिपत्तिः सर्वेषामुपनिषद्वादिनाम्

[It is the unanimous stand of all those who follow the upaniṣads that all
the upaniṣads enjoin the identity of the jivātman and the paramātman.]

This shows that prior to Shankara there were no vedantic schools that were

Read this post for more details:



2)In north india,there is no maadhva and vishistadvaita,,,,,they are local
> sidhnata,where as advaita is full of country..
> 3)Advaita is not created by shankaracharya as it was there before his
> birth,but maadhva and vishistadvaita was not there before madhvacharya and
> ramanujacharya respectively.
> On Tue, Mar 31, 2015 at 9:23 AM, V Subrahmanian <v.subrahmanian at gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> On Tue, Mar 31, 2015 at 12:44 AM, Sunil Bhattacharjya via Advaita-l <
>> advaita-l at lists.advaita-vedanta.org> wrote:
>>> Namaste,
>>> As regards the fond thought of the possibility of all becoming Advaitin,
>> For advaita, the ultimate Vedantic reality is the Nirguna, advaita,
>> Brahman.  All other schools that hold out a deity to be the ultimate
>> reality are for advaitins, paths to attain the ultimate Advaitic reality.
>> They are saguna brahman for advaita and will finally take the aspirant to
>> the advaitic brahman.
>> Apart from the above, one can also notice that from the past several
>> centuries there have been individuals or groups who have 'converted' from
>> one or the other school to that of their choice/liking.  Even today there
>> are whole families or individuals who may or may not leave their
>> born-tradition and take to the philosophy of their liking.  Outwardly they
>> may practice the religion of their tradition but their inward choice of a
>> different philosophy is a fact.
>> regards
>> subrahmanian.v
>>> Let us the advaitins do our whatever is possible and leave the rest to
>>> Lord Krishna. I just want to remind you that the following verse, which has
>>> been  used by Gaudapadacharya actually told by Lord Krishna (as versified
>>> by Vedavyasa) in the original Bhagavad Gita and unfortunately the
>>> post-Shankara Acharyas ignored this verse completely, probably thinking
>>> that to be a composition of Gaudapadacharya. The verse is as follows:
>>> आदावन्ते च यन्नास्ति वर्तमानेऽपि तत्तथा  ।
>>> वितथैः सदृशाः सन्तोऽवितथा इव लक्षिताः  ॥
>>> Had they known the fact, the situation could have been different.
>>> Regards,Sunil KB
>>>      On Monday, March 30, 2015 1:58 AM, Srivathsa Rao via Advaita-l <
>>> advaita-l at lists.advaita-vedanta.org> wrote:
>>>  Sir,
>>>     What I am saying is one who has virakthi and bhakthi does't mean that
>>> he has right knowldge of brahman (Sat-chit-Ananda)
>>> So,there may be many virathas and bhkthas in other sects that doesnot
>>> mean
>>> that that sects are correct
>>> there are many brahmins when they see other sect mathas ,other sect men
>>> or
>>> other sect gets in justice they feel happy because of jealous about other
>>> sects.....these type of problem will not be there and there will be unity
>>> among brahmins if they come under single sidhanta
>>> On Mon, Mar 30, 2015 at 1:50 PM, श्रीमल्ललितालालितः <
>>> lalitaalaalitah at lalitaalaalitah.com> wrote:
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >
>>> > *श्रीमल्ललितालालितः*www.lalitaalaalitah.com
>>> >
>>> > On Mon, Mar 30, 2015 at 12:54 PM, Srivathsa Rao <vathsa108 at gmail.com>
>>> > wrote:
>>> >
>>> >> Sir ,
>>> >>
>>> >> You have said that there are noble souls in other sects not only in
>>> >> advaita...as we can see many virakhtas ,bakthas in other sects..
>>> >>
>>> >> One is viraktha or a great bhaktha doesn't mean that his knowledge is
>>> >> correct
>>> >>
>>> >
>>> > ​Correct knowledge of what ? Veda-s?
>>> > Sorry, it is not needed for virakti and bhakti.
>>> > virakti is ​generated from knowing bad qualities of things and bhakti
>>> is
>>> > generated by knowing good qualities of Ishvara. Where does veda or AtmA
>>> > comes?
>>> >
>>> > if so,there are many jaina ,boudha virakthas what you say for
>>> them...they
>>> >> are avaidika matha .. ..will you say they are correct and vedas are
>>> wrong?
>>> >>
>>> >
>>> > ​Why are you making virakti is equal to knowledge of veda ?
>>> > There is no need of such knowledge for virakti, bhakti.
>>> > ​
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >>
>>> >> You can't say so because this vedas or athma jgnana
>>> >> ​ ​
>>> >> is beyond them as vedas  are apourusheya....which is beyond human
>>> >> thinking capacity....
>>> >>
>>> >
>>> > ​Here I stop reading.
>>> > I think you need some serious help. You are living in some other world
>>> > where words don't reach.
>>> > ​
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >>
>>> >> So,we have learn vidhya  from a lineage of guru parampara,not from so
>>> >> intellectual brilliant ,there was no bhudhism before bhudha or
>>> jaininsm
>>> >> before mahaveera ,maadhva before madhva and vishistadvaita before
>>> >> ramanuja....
>>> >>
>>> >> And even bhudha till his young din't even knew what is
>>> death....so,there
>>> >> was no clue to him of what is sathama dharma asdone by  his father....
>>> >>
>>> >> But there was advaita before shankaracharya...
>>> >>
>>> >> which makes us to think off...
>>> >>
>>> >> On Mon, Mar 30, 2015 at 12:40 PM, Srivathsa Rao <vathsa108 at gmail.com>
>>> >> wrote:
>>> >>
>>> >>> Sir,
>>> >>>
>>> >>>  I am not telling to kill chatur varnashrama,to tell in better
>>> worlds,I
>>> >>> want to unite brahmins....In brahmins there are three
>>> sects...smarthas
>>> >>> ,madhvas and sri vaishnavas...I want to bring all of them under
>>> single
>>> >>> platform......
>>> >>>
>>> >>> Brahmins are the backbone of sanathana dharma ,if we unite them the
>>> >>> unity among hindus will automatically comes....
>>> >>>
>>> >>> At present there is no unity among brahmins ,to bring unity among
>>> >>> brahmins there is need to bring them under single platform..
>>> >>> As unity among different sects will be always not as good as unity
>>> among
>>> >>> single sect as homogeneous unity will always better than
>>> heterogeneous
>>> >>> unity...
>>> >>>
>>> >>> Now when there is any injustice to brahmins there comes heterogeneous
>>> >>> unity ,but after a while this unity will die soon , as it is
>>> >>> heterogeneous...but homogeneous  unity is not like that it lasts
>>> till end...
>>> >>>
>>> >>> Also some brahmins think if there is injustice to other sect or other
>>> >>> sect brahmin ,it is good let it happen...this type of jealous will
>>> die
>>> >>> ...if there is single dharma among brahmins
>>> >>>
>>> >>> You have asked by killing dvaita and vishistadvaita weather we are
>>> not
>>> >>> killing creativity of hindu religion...for that my answer is..this
>>> newly
>>> >>> formed religions are not there in shankaracharya's time,,these are
>>> the
>>> >>> product of the new acharya's thinking way and these religion looks so
>>> >>> childish....
>>> >>>
>>> >>> This athma's concept is not up to some one's thinking capacity that
>>> is
>>> >>> why vedas are considered as apourusheya...that is why vedas and its
>>> hidden
>>> >>> meanings has to be learnt from good lineage of guru paramapara.....
>>> >>>
>>> >>> This athman's concept is beyond this bhudhi as said by upanishads
>>> only
>>> >>> ...so ,we have to learn it from a proper guruparampara only not from
>>> some
>>> >>> intellectual brilliant...which will be mostly wrong..as we can
>>> easily see
>>> >>> in dvaita and vishistadvaita
>>> >>>
>>> >>> Shakara's advaita has a lineage from goudapadacharya who was a
>>> >>> advaithi,but dvaita was not there before madhva,his teacher achutha
>>> preksha
>>> >>> was aadvaithi...similarly ramauja's guru was aadvaithi......
>>> >>>
>>> >>> Always old is gold.....
>>> >>>
>>> >>>
>>> >>> On Mon, Mar 30, 2015 at 11:47 AM, V Subrahmanian via Advaita-l <
>>> >>> advaita-l at lists.advaita-vedanta.org> wrote:
>>> >>>
>>> >>>> On Sun, Mar 29, 2015 at 11:44 PM, Santosh Rao via Advaita-l <
>>> >>>> advaita-l at lists.advaita-vedanta.org> wrote:
>>> >>>>
>>> >>>> > NamaskR,
>>> >>>> >
>>> >>>> > What were these 72 sects? it is my understanding that
>>> sankaracharyas
>>> >>>> > philosophical opponents were mainly buddhists, jains, and
>>> mimamsikas
>>> >>>> not
>>> >>>> > muslims. Is this incorrect?
>>> >>>> >
>>> >>>>
>>> >>>> In this URL containing the Anandagiriya Shankara vijaya, on pdf p.12
>>> >>>> onwards you can see a list of schools that are refuted. One can
>>> count at
>>> >>>> the most 50 there.
>>> >>>>
>>> >>>> >
>>> >>>> > What is the answer to the assertion that advaita vedanta is a
>>> >>>> philosophical
>>> >>>> > "compromise" with buddhism? Does this claim hold water?
>>> >>>> >
>>> >>>>
>>> >>>> You can read a six-part series of articles on the topic: Buddhism,
>>> >>>> Advaita
>>> >>>> and Dvaita published in this forum.  For the first part here is the
>>> URL:
>>> >>>>
>>> >>>>
>>> http://www.advaita-vedanta.org/archives/advaita-l/2011-May/027302.html
>>> >>>>
>>> >>>> You can locate the other parts too by suitably searching.
>>> >>>>
>>> >>>> regards
>>> >>>> subrahmanian.v
>>> >>>>
>>> >>>>
>>> >>>> > This is just myth.
>>> >>>> > 'Removed 72 sects'?? From where??
>>> >>>> > All minds?? Even most loyal of those sects?? Even from future
>>> minds??
>>> >>>> >
>>> >>>> > I don't think that just because there is a philosophy known as
>>> >>>> Vedanta,
>>> >>>> > people will not convert. If it were true no one would have
>>> converted
>>> >>>> at any
>>> >>>> > time.
>>> >>>> >
>>> >>>> > It's man who decides what he wants to follow, right or wrong. Who
>>> >>>> gives
>>> >>>> > even a single thought to validity of philosophy and arguments?
>>> Only a
>>> >>>> few.
>>> >>>> > So, only they don't convert because there is a philosophy and
>>> they can
>>> >>>> > understand that. It's not applicable to masses.
>>> >>>> >
>>> >>>> > Debates are always going on among sects mentioned by you. But, it
>>> is
>>> >>>> not to
>>> >>>> > convert essentially.
>>> >>>> > The argument which you think correct is flawed in other's view.
>>> So, it
>>> >>>> > didn't prove your philosophy correct to him. So, he doesn't leave
>>> his
>>> >>>> sect.
>>> >>>> > Another thing, most debates are to show that they have studied
>>> their
>>> >>>> > respective works and retain that. Some debates are to win prizes.
>>> So,
>>> >>>> the
>>> >>>> > result you are expecting can't come from those debates.
>>> >>>> >
>>> >>>> > Do you think that mAdhva-s and shrI-vaiShNava-s are avaidika in
>>> every
>>> >>>> > sense?
>>> >>>> > No, it is not like that. They follow veda-s. They are already in
>>> >>>> home. And,
>>> >>>> > what veda-s want to say is debatable.
>>> >>>> > So, stop being biased and forcing your thoughts on others.
>>> >>>> > On Mar 29, 2015 7:03 PM, "Srivathsa Rao via Advaita-l" <
>>> >>>> > advaita-l at lists.advaita-vedanta.org> wrote:
>>> >>>> >
>>> >>>> > > Before 1200 years there came shankaracharya  who removed 72
>>> sects in
>>> >>>> > > ancient sathana dharma and brought them under a single platform
>>> of
>>> >>>> > advaita
>>> >>>> > > vedanta,that is why ancient sanathana dharma is still present in
>>> >>>> india
>>> >>>> > > otherwise we would have been muslim by now.
>>> >>>> > >
>>> >>>> > > The present day science even support advaita vedanta.Now my
>>> point
>>> >>>> is why
>>> >>>> > > can't some learned scholars can bring back madhvas and
>>> srivishnavas
>>> >>>> and
>>> >>>> > > newly formed mathas under advaita vedanta by proper debate under
>>> >>>> > upanishad.
>>> >>>> > >
>>> >>>> > > This will even support Rss 's Ghar Vapsi Right?
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>>> >>
>>> >
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