Notes on Brahmasuutra-1

Vidyasankar Sundaresan vsundaresan at HOTMAIL.COM
Thu Aug 17 17:43:27 CDT 2000

Shrisha Rao <shrao at NYX.NET> wrote:

>However, why is this verse of any interest to Advaitins?  It is from
>Madhva's bhAshhya (cited from the Skanda P.) and the passage includes
>tenets not acceptable to Advaita, and indeed, one is not aware of any
>classical Advaitin from Shankara down to Advaitananda in the 17th cent.
>saying that this is the Advaitins' view.

The quoted verse seems generic enough, regarding the principles behind the
composition of a sUtra. I have not seen any Advaita author defining a sUtra
in a wholly different manner. I didn't know the exact source of the verse,
and it seems like Sadananda didn't either; thanks for pointing it out.
Given its origin in a purANa, I don't see why the Advaitin should
particularly reject this description. What are the other things in the
source passage that would be unacceptable to Advaita?


bhava shankara deshikame sharaNam

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