All Questions!!!

VP Nandakumar nandav01 at M0E3S33.NMB.NORWEST.COM
Mon May 19 10:19:10 CDT 1997

>Most of the Advaita works deal with Karma vs Jnana and are vehement the two
>cannot be combined.

>In the Bhagavad Gita Krishna Bhagavan says a Jnani has no need of
>performing action.  He does it merely as an example for lesser people.

Jaladhar, you've lost me! If Karma and Jnana are not interlinked, what would the
jnani do after attaining enlightment? Wouldn't his wisdom be wasted if he just
sat around? Isn't it his duty to spread his wisdom and work towards the
betterment of the world? And goodness, which is an attribute of the Brahman, not
naturally lead him towards karma?

>If Karma Yoga means anything it means the dispassionate performance of
>ones _Dharmic_ duties.  Even if Mother Theresa were a Hindu, her social
>work wouldn't count as Karma Yoga unless there was a Dharmic obligation to
>feed the poor.  There isn't.  Which doesn't mean it isn't a good thing
>(though it can be argues that Socialist do-gooders are responsible for
>much of modern Indias woes.)  It just means it isn't Karma Yoga.

And doesn't one's dharmic duties include service to the needy? And whose dharmic
obligation is it to feed the poor? If service and help to the needy isn't Karma
Yoga, then what is?

PS : And how're Socialist do-gooders responsible for India's woes???

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