Rishikesh Trip

Pannirselvam Kanagaratnam pkanagar at RSL.UKANS.EDU
Tue Jul 8 12:07:17 CDT 1997

On Sun, 6 Jul 1997, Mark Hovila wrote:

> I have a friend who will be traveling to India this summer and she will
> be visiting Rishikesh, specifically the Sivananda ashram, and then on to
> hiking in the Himalayas.  Can anyone recommend any saints or sages in
> that area who she can visit?
> Mark


There is a saint by the name of Swami Brahmananda who holds regular
discourses on Vedantic texts. I was told that he is very compassionate and
that he answers any questions lovingly no matter how stupid they may seem
to others.

I was also told that meditation with H.H. Sri Swami Krishnanandaji is a
must. H.H. Sri Swami Chidanandaji will be at the Satsangs if he is there.
It is difficult to get a personal interview with Swamiji now because of
his poor physical health. The schedule of activities can be got once your
friend gets to Sivananda Ashram. Your friend needs to write or fax to
Swami Krishnananda if she wishes to stay at the Ashram.

For more information about Sivananda Ashram and contact information of
Swami Krisnananda, you can visit


Hari Om Tat Sat!


  Pannirselvam Kanagaratnam
  E-mail: pkanagar at rsl.ukans.edu
  Homepage: http://www.rsl.ukans.edu/~pkanagar/
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