
Tue Apr 15 16:29:06 CDT 1997


 >As days go by I have more and more questions!
 >Would mastering the concepts of Advaita and the Vedas and Upanishads
 >actually result in one realizing the self? Or is it just a means of
 >your mind and soul and only in analyzing and understanding the reasons
 >one's thoughts, desires and needs and controlling them, would one realize

 >Do the Vedas or the Upanishads provide a way to realize the self? Even
 >if they did, would it be possible for one to realize the Self following the
 >teachings of another and face the problem of too much information which could
 >lead to confusion, instead of the simpler and clearer way of probing deeply
 >within oneself?

  Study of the Vedas and Upanishads should be a guide to probing deeply within
  oneself. Simply mastering the Vedas and the Upanishads at the intellectual
  level will not cause self realization. However, studying them *and*
  reflecting on their meanings will be much better. But simply probing
  deeply with no Guru or guide or basis in scripture is like thrashing empty

  One more thing. Following the method of Vedaanta as taught by a Guru is
  different from  following the teachings of another or the teachings of a
  prophet. Vedaantic knowledge is apaurushheya, meaning it was not created
  by any person. So Vedaanta is not the teaching of an individual, which
  means we cannot attribute to it a narrow outlook and personal prejudices/
  errors that a human-authored text would have.

  Also, one need not be afraid of confusion. It may be a healthy sign of
  the weakening of the bonds of maayaa. With enough patience and study, the
  confusion  should disappear.


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